Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Are You Ready For Anything? Get Ready Like The World's Most Elite Covert Units



Great White Shark infested areas. What is it like conducting a secret mission with sharks on the prowl? Hear today's guest Jason Falla take you inside those dangerous areas what it was like when he faced off with a Great White to complete the covert mission. Find out how spec ops units protect their teams when they have to swim through aggressive, massive croc and shark regions. Do you know the 7 simple things you can do to fortify your home like a top special operations guy? Today you get exclusive access to that ultimate insider knowledge. You'll leave this episode with all the knowledge you need to keep your home seriously safe. What's in your Go Bag? Do you have what you need to survive? You will after today.Jason also reveals several things that elite military units have in their Range Bags and explains why. Learn the one thing that you need to have and the one thing you need to know to be that person, to be that hunter that saves lives. Find out the truth about Fosters beer for your tactical talk and w