Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Life Behind The SEAL Team 6 Headlines



Hang out at a SEAL base with one of your faves. Forget the hype, get the real skinny on life in the SEAL teams. Back by demand, guest Dave Meadows doesn't pull any punches and we talk to him as he finishes up crushing the new climbing wall. Dave served for many years and is now an actor - in fact he was in one of the most iconic SEAL films, Captain Philips with Tom Hanks - so he is exactly the right guy to set the record straight and explain what life is truly like for guys in this elite cadre - so you don't have to rely on tv and film interpretations some of which you've seen him acting in. We cover a whole lot of ground from Dave talking through the toughest parts of BUD/s selection through to key take aways from one of his toughest missions that you can apply to your daily life.  Any doubts you might have that SEALs are some of the funniest guys around - and not all serious, all the time like they are in books, movies and shows...guarantee they'll be squashed after this ep. Dave takes you inside an un