Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Extreme Exploration + Adventure - Learn How to Capture Your Adventures like this Marine Force Recon turned World Class Pro Photog + Videographer



Swinging axes through the air with enough force to crack rock solid ice knowing that axe, that swing, is the one thing is keeping you on the face of a treacherous wall of ice…and away from certain death…that’s the sort of thing our guest gets up to before he shows up for work in the morning. That’s right, while most of us wake up and it is an accomplishment to manage to get the coffee going before work – he’s out there on extreme adventures while we are literally eating our breakfast.  Host Allison Barrie loves looking at the instagram and facebook feeds of Tactical Talk listeners so she decided this week to hook you up with one of her favorite professional photographers and videographers and ask him to share some of his insider top tips to capturing and sharing your adventures. Jake Blick served 12 years with the Marines and earned the incredibly tough selection into Marine Force Recon. Now he gets to travel around the world documenting his extraordinary extreme adv