Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

How to Spot + Defeat Danger Zones in Your Daily Life w/ This MARSOC Expert



Danger zones. Do you know where the daily life danger zones are and how to defeat them? You will after today’s episode. Nicholas Koumalatsos is 12 year Special Operations Marine Corps veteran with Marine Reconnaissance and Marine Special Operations Command. Nick starred in Discovery channel’s Trailblazers, but today you’re getting direct access to him. He has deployed all over the world and trained foreign police, military, and militia in several countries – but today we’re hooking you up with his expert training too. Nick reveals how to spot the danger zones In your own life and equips you with the best ways to defeat them. He explains just what that special operations “situational awareness” is and why it could save your life someday. With the Weinstein allegations and the #metoo movement on social media, the safety of women and girls is very much on the minds of folks. So Allison asks Nick to share some particular tips on how women can better protect and defend the