Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

The Deadliest: How to Survive Them



Know how to survive some of the deadliest events a human can face? After this double-header episode you will.  And how to survive them. To maximize hooking you up with the know-how, this is a two part episode. We reveal some of the deadliest hidden in plain sight – and some the deadliest in the war zone – and all of them incredibly lethal. Joining us this week back by demand is fan favorite PJ Tony Negron. He has a ridiculous number of very close calls with death and has personal experience surviving many of the deadliest threats we’re discussing. For those of you who love war stories, these are bound to be some of the best narrow escapes you have ever heard. You wanted to hear more about Tony so in this week’s episode we kick off with some more fun ice breakers. Then we dig into our first four deadliest. For all your shooters, we’re going to expose a deadly threat that is lurking at every single range…and what to do about it. Weapons can be deadly in entirely surpris