Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Rocket Launch from your Shoulder + more w/ this Best Ranger



What does it take to be a Best Ranger? Strength, endurance, skill, physical and mental stamina tested to the maximum…60 continuous hours, 60 miles, no programmed sleep and that’s just for starters. Best Ranger 2019 just wrapped up yesterday. This week’s guest Mike competed in Best Ranger 2017 representing his regiment. Find out who won yesterday and how Rangers earn the right to represent their regiment in this ultimate warrior competition from this insider. For about three decades, Best Ranger has challenged two-buddy teams with multiple days of mind-blowingly tough events. Mike Prendergast joins Allison in the bad ass new TT HQ (check out social media for a peek at the killer view, sweet pool table and ginormous bar). For starters, you need to be a decathalon-level soldier-athlete and Airborne Ranger qualified…Mike explains how they prepare mentally and physically to achieve selection for the honor to represent your regiment and to tackle one of the world’s toughest competiti