Doc Thompson

Where is Straight Pride?, NFL WTF!?!, & John Guidroz - 5/24/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Disney came out in support of the LGBT community… They have gone so far as to sell merchandise… Where are the days for straight pride?... What is Epcot? And what was it supposed to represent?... McDonald's hit with another lawsuit, this time for sexual assault. Hour 2 Starbucks’ day of racial bias training is coming up… Doc gives tips to making one of Starbucks’ best breakfast item… NFL loves them some Roger Goodell… Their National Anthem Policy is just lost… Marco Rubio on Kaepernick. Hour 3 Robots are not allowed to buy cars… At least that’s what one dealership is looking out for at least… As she was signing papers she came across a form that asked her to check if she was not a robot… We speak with John Guidroz about his company DigiPro Media… If you have a brick and mortar store and a website check out this interview. To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaz