Doc Thompson

#ProgressiveIceCreamFlavors, Media Omits Details, & David A.R. White - 8/20/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 Media omits certain details over arrest… Al Sharpton fails at spelling ‘respect’… MSNBC panel thinks Trump wants to round people up… Tom Arnold knows there are still tapes about Trump. Hour 2 Ice Cream flavor names that ruin the treat… #ProgressiveIceCreamFlavors… Rigging bingo games… Alcee Hastings horrible joke about Trump… Jack, CEO of Twitter, talks shadow banning. Hour 3 Anthony Bourdain’s girlfriend accused of #MeToo… Could this have caused his death?... Self-driving cars now delivering your groceries… David A.R. White, an actor in God’s Not Dead, talks about the next G.N.D. film titled A Light in Darkness. To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” weekdays 6–9am ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network. Title: #ProgressiveIceCreamFlavors, Media Omits Details, & D