Jane Anderson Show Podcast

Episode 15 - Become a LinkedIn Rockstar



Episode 15 - Become a LinkedIn Rockstar What type of user are you when it comes to your LinkedIn profile? Persister Avoider Attempter Rockstar 3 steps to building a Rockstar Profile: SEO Personal Branding and Positioning Connection Points I look at in this episode are the types of user you are when it comes to your LinkedIn profile: Persister. You’re getting results but it’s taking a lot of time. You’re posting content but unsure if it’s the right content. You feel as though there must be a better way but you’re not sure what that is. You’d like to know some more efficient ways to make your profile work and be less time consuming. Avoider. You think LinkedIn is more a recruitment tool. You may think that if profiles are created for your team, they will leave and not attract clients. You have a private profile because you don’t want attention and you don’t see yourself as an integral part of the sales funnel. Alternatively, you don’t have time to spend