The Travis Jones Show

Personal Reflections & How To Unlock Potential (With Liv Jones + Liam Donnelly)



Welcome to the first episode of the Travis Jones Show.  Where in-depth conversations actually provide YOU with perspective and lessons from those that have walked the path you're currently on. In this episode TJ is joined by his two business partners Liv & Liam where they discuss The Biggest Lesson Learnt During RBT's Journey - What Commonly Goes Wrong When Gym Owners Try To Grow - Why it’s Important To Not Link Your Business To Your Identity - Why it’s So Important To Strive To Reach Your Potential - How Trying To Find Your Passion Will Ruin You - Travis' Transformation From Unconfident Introvert to Loud Yelling TJ! - Knowing If You're You An Amateur Or Athlete? - How Drawing A Line In The Sand Will Transform Your Business - Why Winning Isn’t About Working All The Time -