Manifest Your Destiny: Pramod's Podcast

You are the Thinker, not the Thoughts



Immobilizing feelings such as extreme rage or depression are powerless by themselves. It is the identification with those feelings that is the real issue. We can always detach ourselves from our own feelings and thoughts, for we are not the thoughts but the Thinker of the thoughts. And this Thinker is divinity itself. This Thinker is always above the thoughts. Even if you feel the thoughts are impure, they just cannot make the Thinker impure. This Witness is pure love; It is a Compassionate Witness and It always observes the world from a standpoint of total non-judgmental love. When we become one with the Witness by going within, we remove ourselves from the material world where we have the pain and suffering. Cultivating the Witness is out ticket to absolute freedom. Go for it! [Duration: 00:14:52; File Type: MP3 Audio; Content Rating: General (G)* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art Model: Leandro Okabe; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License]