Manifest Your Destiny: Pramod's Podcast

Where I'm is where I'm!



Most of us know that the emotions of joy or love or appreciation tell us that we are in a powerful state of full connection with Source. And it is only natural that we wish we were up there in full, seamless connection all the time. But it is inevitable that we will go up and down the scale from time to time. In this talk, Pramod relates a personal experience, talks about how the Emotional Guidance Scale came to the aid and introduces a simple game called ‘Tuning into the World’. Whenever you are experiencing negative emotions such as despair, rage or anger, use this incredibly simple process to move up the scale most effortlessly and naturally. Note: This is the live recording of a talk which was delivered by Pramod in India. [Episode # 32; Running Time: 00:16:00; File Type: MP3 Audio, Digital Stereo; Content Rating: G* (*Suitable to listeners of all ages); Cover Art: CC (Prakhar, Nattu, Lisadragon & Worak); Music: CC by MayaFilipic & Sonic Mystery; Rights: Creative Commons Attribution]