Are You Intuit?

Season 2 Episode 8: Sacred Journeys of Life



Sacred Journeys of Life may be thought of as elements manifested to evolve the spirit to a higher place or to fulfill dreams and purpose. At times, it is also a transition in life that may prompt emotions and situations that require guidance. One such transformation to consider is that of life to death and the aftermath of circumstances presented.   Michele Saling is an experienced attorney and pastor of the 1st Spiritualist Church of Pittsburgh. She is also a gifted healer, spiritual counselor and Medium who was trained in Lilydale, New York. As part of Sacred Journeys of Life LLC, Michele utilizes her talents to counsel and support individuals in time of need and loss.   Lois Viti is an attorney with more than twenty years experience. She specializes in areas of family law, trusts, wills and estate planning. Lois is committed to her clients and offers services that promote a sense of peace and security.   I Believe! Do You?   #Angels #Divine #spirit #intuition   The podcast