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EssenceSea... for Nutrition, Body Maintenance and Repairs |Life Enthusiast Co-op Episode 288


Synopsis and trace elements are critical for your health and performance, and need to be supplemented. Even the best diet is probably lacking in minerals because our soils have been so depleted of them. Most health professionals now agree that supplementation is necessary for your well-being.  Simple solutions that work, including Volixer technology (that delivers fantastic results) that's used in the manufacture of all EssenceSea products. EssenceSea... for Nutrition, Body Maintenance and Repairs. Items discussed in Video: Sea Iodine: Sea-Relief Lotion-Concentrate: The principal intention of Sea-Relief is to systematically remove accumulated calcium from the flexible tissues of your body, then restore intracellular pH to its optimum energy production value. For some users, the consequences of this will take several months to succeed, resulting in