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Liquid Sunlight from Humalife | Life Enthusiast Co-op Episode 289



The purest quality of Humic and Fulvic concentrates available from ancient organic soil - nutrients and minerals that are essential for human health. Nature's most broad spectrum Antibiotic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-carcinogenic and Antiviral. Burns fat, builds muscle and promotes growth and renewal of cells. Immune boosting and hormone balancing. Nothing has been added or taken away, to supply you with the perfect food, for challenging times. All products are in sacred geometry, divinely prepared to bring you to alignment with all that is whole and good. Fulvic Acid has some amazing external benefits as well as taken internally... Powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger Transports nutrients into cells Powerful natural electrolyte Increases bio availability of nutrients and minerals Alkalizes and detoxifies blood Regenerates and hydrates cells It acts as a wide spectrum antimicrobial and fungicide Neutralizing poison ivy and poison oak It removes discoloration due to skin bruises Helps to