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The Gift - Self-Esteem in a Bottle - Podcast #293



Essentially, The Gift is self-esteem in a bottle. Use it to empower personal growth and raising your consciousness. The Gift can simply "opens the door" - it does not force you through it. High self esteem means self-acceptance and love, which helps to lower stress, generate success, and build healthy relationships. It opens the way for creativity and self-development. It armors us against negative messages, programming and subliminal suggestions. High self-esteem is also well correlated with good immune system functioning. The Gift can support a release from addictions too. Surround yourself with a cocoon of love energy that supports you through everyday's challenges. The Gift is a unique formulation of naturally occurring minerals as a base carrier for the bio-equivalent of a strongly positive attitude. It is charged with energies that disperse immediately into your emotional body. Unlock your Heart's Potential ~ Open your Full Potential