Deborah's Corporate Hard Talk (dcht)

SE3:EP2 Coping with Rejection- Job Application



In this episode  titled Coping with rejection : Job Application where I talk about how I have coped with rejection believe rejection is an everyday issue in my world, from asking my daughter “can mummy have a bite” and she says “NO!!!!!” (jokes she is still mastering the concept of sharing)  Haha really but I am sure this is something we’ve all been through when we apply for jobs. I noticed it happens when you are applying for positions which can put you in a higher position and the ouch rejection is when you are applying for positions you feel overqualified for , and you still get the “Unfortunately” line . Anyway Dchtpodcast should not be mistaken for a professional service, or career coaching but much more relaxed angle when talking about our professional/corporate affair. I am just sharing how I cope , you can go ahead and listen and let me know how you also cope. Until next week goodbye : )