Speaking Of Language

S2E1 – Angelika Kraemer – Communicative Language Teaching



Today, we introduce Angelika Kraemer, the new director of the Language Resource Center at Cornell University. In the first episode of our second season, Angelika speaks with Sam Lupowitz, the LRC’s media manager, about communicative language teaching: using your immediate surroundings to contextualize your expression and interpretation of language. Dr. Angelika Kraemer is the Director of the Language Resource Center at Cornell University. She also currently serves as Co-Editor of the journal Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German published by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) and as Co-Coordinator of the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) Survey Committee. Angelika’s research interests include technology-enhanced language learning, program development, early language learning, community engagement and service learning, and assessment. When she is not in Stimson, you’ll find her running around Beebe Lake, watching Netflix, drinking tea, or traveling. As Media