Healthy Visions

A Health-Creating Society



5/5. The NHS is under huge strain as it struggles to cope with an ageing population and illnesses caused by unhealthy lifestyles on top of increasingly expensive drugs, procedures and treatments. It's an unsustainable situation, says former NHS chief executive Nigel Crisp, and requires a complete rethink of the way we think about and manage health. In the final programme of the "Healthy Visions" series Lord Crisp develops the ideas covered in the previous four programmes to argue that all of society must take responsibility for health. Citizens must become partners in health promotion and health care. Planners and designers must put health at the centre of new projects. And the NHS must change from a hospital-centred and illness-based system to one where patients and communities are in the driving seat. Lord Crisp visits the St Paul's Way Transformation Project in Tower Hamlets to see how housing, health care facilities, education and leisure can be planned to promote good health and prevent disease, with a