
Episode 15- The Dark Side of the Music Industry: 5 BIG mistakes 10/3/2008



Episode 15 - The Dark Side of the Music Industry: 5 BIG mistakes 10/3/2008 We promised a feature podcast on the first Thursday of each month where we take one issue and go in depth with related issues and important facts. This week, we take on the Dark Side of the Music Industry: the RIAA and their bully arm, MediaSentry. It's time to reveal the consequences of their negative policies and stand up against them! Their five BIG mistakes: 1. How they're finding us... by invading our privacy illegally 2. Who they're targeting... mostly the poor (including a homeless man!) who can't afford legal fees and must accept bankrupting settlements 3. Why they're not popular... (even on Wall Street) they alienate and attack their own customers and ignore the wishes of their share/stockholders 4. What is their impact on the environment... Anti-Green practices harm the environment AND feed our addiction to oil 5. Who they're in bed with... politicians (on both sides of the aisle) who could care less that their constituent