
Episode 16 - What About Economy Goggles



Episode 16 - What About Economy Goggles? 10/9/2008. Here's five ways you can break the awkward silence this week in your (potential) conversations! Business, Finance & Marketing: We'll give you some tips to beat the credit crunch and the Top Ten solutions for dealing with a personal credit crisis. Current International Events: Oil prices slip on global woes, what is OPEC's reaction? We'll tell you one more reason we need to gain independence from foreign oil. Are You Kidding Me?!: Amy Winehouse's nose is about to fall off due to drug use, cocaine dealers institute surcharges on their goods (what's next? a checked bag fee?), a bank robber fools cops on Craigslist with a clever decoy plot and finally Canadian Greyhound is in the news again, this time for a tuberculosis outbreak! Streetwise: Has human evolution Ended? One man thinks so and we'll give you his argument (actually, John just shoots him down). Tech & Entertainment: Ford introduces MyKey allowing parental controls that limit speed, volume leve