Nor Cal News Now

Erin Cruz (R) candidate for US Senate



We welcome Erin Cruz, author of Revolution America: Communication Tools for Modern Conservative Women and Republican candidate for Senate in the California primary.   In this lively hour of conversation, Cruz talks to Mike and Aaron about being conservative in a modern California ruled by the Democratic Party, her book (Revolution America: Communication Toolbox for the Modern Conservative American Woman), her experience at the Republican State Party Convention in San Diego and her thoughts on endorsing John Cox and Travis Allen, her opposition to DACA and Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants and her support of Donald Trump's Immigration policies.   Cruz, a self-described conservative, an America Firster and member of the Tea Party movement, also talks about her view of respect for the office of the Presidency in the Age of Trump, her views Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell leans moderate to liberal, the prospect of meaningful healthcare reform during Trump's term and the need for both