Podcasting For Authors

104: Planning Your First Podcast Episode



Welcome to the fourth episode of Podcasting for Authors. Today, we’ll finally jumping into actually prepping for your first podcast episode. Also, preparing for a podcast episode is probably similar to work that you do as an author, so you should be able to translate your current skills easily. Of course, the things we cover today will also help you as you prepare all your future episodes. Your first episode For the first episode, many times people will create an episode that talks about you as the host as well as what the podcast is about. Many even make this an episode 0. I’ve done this several times myself. Another way to approach the first episode is to lead with value. In other words, just jump into the first, most important topic that your audience needs. You can include a little bit about yourself and the purpose of the podcast, but this method minimize that. Either way you choose to go, you still want to make sure that the content is valuable to your audience. Choose the topic This can be one of the e