Unleash Your Full Potential With Eyal

I Love Your Body - Erotic Poem By Eyal Matsliah



I love your body. I love that scar on your skin. You are such a perfectly imperfect woman. I can stare at it for hours. I love kissing your scar. I love the feel of your scar on my tongue. I love your body. I love the smell of your body in the morning, or after a long day. I wanna smell you. Your body. Your sweat. Your B-O. I love it. It turns me on. It relaxes me. Don’t shower before you come to make love with me. I don’t want to smell your deodorant, even if it’s natural and cruelty-free and organic and ethical and made by virgin nuns in the amazons. It’s YOU that I want to smell. I love your smell. I love your body. I love your belly. Take that photo of the woman with the 6 pack abs OFF your vision board. I don’t want that. I want your soft protruding belly. Breathe into your belly, let it expand. You are a woman. You have a belly. Let your belly be round, and soft, and relaxed. To read the rest: www.intimatepower.com/i-love-your-bo…eyal-matsliah/