Unleash Your Full Potential With Eyal

If you want a man, let go of the boys (poem)



You are yearning to open, yearning to surrender, yearning to be loved, and yearning to express your love. You are yearning to, but afraid to. What you are afraid of, is what you are yearning for. The man you yearn for will make you feel safe, but he will also scare you just a little bit. It’s not that you’re afraid he’s gonna hurt you. Rather, you know he’s going to see you, to really SEE you, to witness all the parts of you that you’ve been hiding and unsure of. And he’s gonna love all these parts, and love you as you are, and that freaks the shit out of you. So, you settle. You settle for the boys. The boys whom you feel totally safe with. The nice boys. The new age boys. The boys whom you can control and manipulate. The boys who love your little girl but can’t take your wild, intense, out-of-control woman. The boys who love your laughter but can’t hold you in your rage, nor in your tears. The boys who pat you on the back and say “don’t cry”. The boys who shush you when you are too loud in bed. The boys who