SteamLUG Cast

s01e03?– Oh Mer Gerd LerdWerks Fer Sterm



Here it is, the third episode, covering our community events, gentle ribbing of Cheese with suggestions of PHP for an FPS, and discussing launch windows for future Valve titles ‐ all because we need their trading cards! You’re listening to SteamLUG Cast, do enjoy… SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:00:44 Dungeon Defenders Event [] 00:01:20 Team Fortress 2 Event [] 00:02:10 Counter‐Strike: Source [] 00:02:15 Left 4 Dead 2 [] 00:02:16 Serious Sam 3 [] 00:02:21 Team Fortress 2 [] Other Community Stuff 00:03:08 7DFPS [] 00:05:26 Broken Sword for Game Club [