SteamLUG Cast

s01e06?– Secret of the Magic Replacements



We’re back, with Cheese, Mimness and DerRidda discussing the fortnight in Linux gaming, Sword’s obsession with Magical Horses and games of yore in gaming news. Introduction 00:00:20 DerRidda @DerRidda 00:00:22 Mim @MimLofBees 00:00:43 DerRidda recently became a Humble *tester* rather than a Humble porter 00:01:46 Two Lof Bees Artblog [] SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:02:36 Trine 2 with Frozenbyte [] 00:04:11 Secret of the Magic Crystal [] 00:04:55 DOTA 2 00:05:16 Contact @swordfischer, @TwoLofBees or @johndrinkwater if you want to help out with Events 00:05:56 Discussion Thread for Events [] 00:06:57 Cheese’s 7DFPS game (Dance) [] 00:07:11 SteamLUG 7DFPS game (Haunt) [] 00:08:12 Source SDK [h