SteamLUG Cast

s02e02?– May Mog Chothra Protect Us All



We’re joined by Oliver Franzke of Double Fine to chat about Broken Age, adventure games, open development and supporting Linux. Afterward, Cheese, sword and DerRidda ramble on about Ye Olde SteamOSe, Steam Dev Days, In-home Streaming, Humble Bundles, game releases, VR and more! Introduction 00:00:10 Cheese @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:17 DerRidda @DerRidda 00:00:20 Sword @swordfischer 00:00:24 Oliver Franzke @p1xelcoder Chat w/ Special Guest Oliver Franzke of Double Fine, Broken Age’s Lead Programmer 00:00:49 Broken Age, Act 1 will be publicly released on Steam on Tuesday the 28th of January [] 00:01:15 Oliver’s development history Stacking [] Technical Engineer on Once Upon A Monster [] Lead Graphics Programmer on The Cave [] Autonomous [] Lead Programmer on Broken Age [] 00:02:03 Secret of Monkey Island: Special Ed