SteamLUG Cast

s02e06?– Virtually VR



Cheese, John and DerRidda get together to talk about the most exciting news coming from GDC 2014, Unreal Engine 4 coming to Linux, what they’ve been playing lately, past events, greenlit titles, crowdfunding campaigns and more! Introduction 00:00:08 Cheese @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:21 John @johndrinkwater 00:00:24 DerRidda @DerRidda 00:00:55 Bad Golf: Community Edition [] [] Our Gaming 00:01:47 Cheese has been playing Flashback, Hand of Fate, The Fall, Spelunky, FTL, Portal 2, Forced and Broken Age 00:03:18 John has been playing The Plan, Type:Rider (Gutenberg [] Garamont []), Cargo Commander and FORCED 00:04:23 DerRidda has been playing Dota 2, Portal 2 (12 Angry Tests []) and Thief Gold SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:06:55 Past