SteamLUG Cast

s02e08?– We’ll buy 2 copies of Civilization!



We sheepishly cover the latest news and events in Linux gaming as two hosts are feeling under the weather, and the third comes in late. So we added a fourth! Why not have a listen? Caution: this cast does contain one swear out of frustration at 23:13. While we try to keep things clean and edited so we can be listened to when and wherever, removing it would have left the conversation rather damp. Introduction 00:00:10 @johndrinkwater introduces 00:00:18 @DerRidda and 00:00:21 Nemoder 00:00:24 @ValiantCheese has slept in :> Our Gaming 00:00:36 Nemoder played Guns of Icarus: Online, Bridge Constructor, Journey of a Roach, and non‐Steam: A Tale in the Desert, Factorio 00:00:52 DerRidda played Dota 2, FTL, System Shock 2, Broken Sword 1, and finally Diaspora: Shattered Armistice That Diaspora patch [] 00:02:48 John played Bridge Constructor, Sanctum 2 (Beta), attended Starbound, Oil Rush & Duke Nukem events, and got his platinum in inFAMOUS SteamLUG