SteamLUG Cast

s02e09?– Leadwerks Steaming Ahead



We’re joined by Josh Klint from Leadwerks to chat about his porting experience, all the challenges he had overcomed thus far, where his project will be heading in the future and the response he got from the Linux community. Then, Cheese, DerRidda and Nemoder will chat about some past events, Humble Bundles, Greenlight titles, interesting crowdfunding projects and more! Please note that during the recording of this episode, we experienced server difficulties. Apologies to those who tuned in live and for any remaining audio issues that we were unable to resolve during editing. Introduction 00:00:09 Cheese @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:16 DerRidda @DerRidda 00:00:18 Nemoder [] 00:00:20 Josh Klint @JoshKlint 00:00:26 Our Mumble server misbehaved during the recording, apologies in advance for all of the issues you may encounter during the listening of this cast 00:00:35 Sadly John @johndrinkwater couldn’t join us today (he passes on his apologies) Our Gaming 00:00:46 DerR