SteamLUG Cast

s02e16?– Touching Spacebase



We are joined by game developer/designer and Linux user JP LeBreton of Double Fine to chat about the status of gaming on Linux and the various projects he has worked on (including The Cave and Spacebase DF-9). We then go on to discuss the new Steam client, the appearance of the Source 2 engine, and tons of new games. Introduction 00:00:16 Cheese @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:17 Nemoder [] 00:00:20 Mim @MimLofBees 00:00:23 JP LeBreton @vectorpoem Our Gaming 00:00:47 Mim has been playing Don't Starve, The Cave, and Alien Swarm Mim would like to highlight that she's been playing The Cave since release 00:01:28 Nemoder has been playing Spacebase DF-9, PULSAR: Lost Colony, Guns of Icarus Online 00:02:05 JP has been playing Lovely Planet, Doom, Spacebase DF-9 00:02:56 Cheese has been playing Orbital Gear, Alien Swarm, The Maker's Eden, Guns of Icarus Online, The Fall, Don't Starve, Mark of the Ninja, Crypt of the NecroDancer, and an unannounced title. Chat With Special G