SteamLUG Cast

s02e22?– For The Gourd



We get together for a brief conversation about the last fortnight’s releases, try to guess what Aspyr is up to and … get out before our tea is cold. Introduction 00:00:11 @johndrinkwater introduces 00:00:18 @DerRidda 00:00:21 Nemoder Our Gaming 00:00:51 DerRidda has been playing some CS:GO and Dead Island 00:01:03 Nemoder with Crusader Kings 2, Civilization 5, Guns of Icarus: Online, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, and finally Spacebase DF-9 00:01:32 John got through CS:GO, Neverending Nightmares, Gunpoint, and plenty of Dead Island SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:02:16 Past events: Project Zomboid [] Nekro [] Interstellar Marines [] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive [] 00:04:09 Upcoming Events Killing Floor [