SteamLUG Cast

s03e04?– Low-key Guest



Cheese, DerRidda and Nemoder have a humble chat with epic game porter, Ryan C. Gordon, followed by discussion of news relevant to the SteamLUG community. Introduction 00:00:16 Cheeseness (@ValiantCheese) 00:00:17 Nemoder 00:00:20 DerRidda (@DerRidda) 00:00:24 Ryan C. Gordon (@icculus) Chat with Ryan C. Gordon 00:00:49 Ryan’s History [] 00:01:21 Loki Games [] [] 00:01:42 Participated in LokiHack [] [] 00:03:20 After demise of Loki Games in 2001, Ryan continued as a contractor, porting games to Linux & Mac OS X 00:03:34 Working at Loki Games led to the creation of some well‐known open‐source tools like SDL and OpenAL [] [] 00:06:32 SDL being open source has allowed contributions that enable obscure targets like Sega Dreamcast or Haiku [] 00:09:29 The Humble Bundle and its Humble Indie