SteamLUG Cast

s03e19?– From Dawn Till Dusk



Join Aaron San Filippo as he talks with our hosts about Flippfly and Race the Sun Introduction 00:00:16 Cheese (@Valiant Cheese) introduces 00:00:18 Corben (@Corben78) 00:00:20 Buckwangs (@Buckwangs) 00:00:22 Dora (@hmccio) 00:00:27 and special guest, Aaron San Filippo (@AeornFlippout) of Flippfly (@flippfly) Our Gaming 00:00:37 Corben Used a Surface Pro 3 running Linux to grow some numbers in idle-clicker games, Adventure Capitalist & Time Clickers [] [] Really wanted to play Alien: Isolation (didn't happen) [] Put in some practice time in the rocket-powered car jumping soccer game, Rocket League (coming to Linux early 2016) [] Spent some time in the asymmetrical hunt-or-be-hunted multiplayer game, Evolve [] Experienced The Stanley Parable and its demo for the first time [http://store.steampowered.