SteamLUG Cast

s04e04?– Vulkhaaan



Our penguins have a low‐level talk about the long‐awaited Vulkan launch. Introduction 00:00:16 @DerRidda introduces 00:00:17 @beansmyname 00:00:19 @HeroOhOne 00:00:22 @johndrinkwater 00:00:25 Tele (Tele42) Our Gaming 00:00:33 @beansmyname has been playing DiRT Showdown [], Guns of Icarus Online [], and Doom [] 00:02:38 @DerRidda has been playing XCOM 2 [], Dying Light [], Insurgency [] 00:02:58 @HeroOhOne has been playing Sir, You Are Being Hunted [], GRID: Autosport [], Natural Selection 2 [] 00:04:11 @johndrinkwater has been playing American Truck Simulator [], Dying Light [], and a super sec