SteamLUG Cast

s04e10?– Call of Kill Heroes: Halos of Doom



DerRidda, HER0 01, and Mohero discuss the latest Linux gaming updates and releases. Introduction 00:00:19 @HeroOhOne introduces 00:00:21 @DerRidda 00:00:24 @Jasey_Wasey Our Gaming 00:00:29 @DerRidda has been playing Tomb Raider [], Dying Light [], and the Shadwen demo [] 00:01:43 @Jasey_Wasey has been playing Vector 36 [] [], Mini Metro [], and Civilization: Beyond Earth [] 00:03:53 @HeroOhOne has been playing Civilization V [] and Beyond Earth [], Arma 3 [], and War Thunder [] SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:05:32 Past Events Left 4 Dead 2 [