Immediate Happiness's Podcast

Ep. 1 Immediate Happiness Interview with Anil Gupta



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Download Audio/View Show Notes! ! Aaron Kennard: Anil, thank you so much for being here. I'm super excited to have you on the phone today and excited to share everybody... share your wisdom with everybody here on The Truly Amazing Life show. So, how are you today, Anil? Anil Gupta: Amazing. I am very pleased to talk to you and give your listeners amazing content. Aaron Kennard: Good. I am excited to have you. So, Anil has written the book 'Immediate Happiness' which is a best-seller in Amazon and he just gives power pack content on how to find happiness, how to be happy and so obviously he's a very appropriate guest for our show, The Truly Amazing Life show which is also about how to live a truly amazing life and I will just prep it by saying Anil and I met just recently at this really, really cool event called "Awesomeness Fasten". Anil just happened to exude this energy of love and happiness. And it was so... It just had a big effect with everybody around him, including me, and I just... I t