In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

H. Bruce Franklin: Good War to Forever War



Show #232 | Guest: H. Bruce Franklin | Show Summary: Growing up during the Second World War, H. Bruce Franklin believed what he was told: that America’s victory would lead to a new era of world peace. Like most Americans, he was soon led to believe in a world-wide Communist conspiracy that menaced the United States, forcing the nation into a disastrous war in Korea. But once he joined the U.S. Air Force and began flying top-secret missions as a navigator and intelligence officer, what he learned was eye-opening. He saw that even as the U.S. preached about peace and freedom, it was engaging in an endless cycle of warfare, bringing devastation and oppression to fledgling democracies across the globe.     Now, after fifty years as a renowned cultural historian, Franklin offers a set of hard-learned lessons about modern American history. Crash Course is for anyone who wonders how America ended up where it is today: with a deeply divided and disillusioned populace, led by a dysfunctional g