Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

001: Parent Affirmation, Kids Change Quick, & The Most Epic Poop Story



Welcome to the Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad Podcast with Ryan and Rebekah Frost. This is our first podcast episode together!  This is a podcast about parenting. Not about parenting advice. We want to share our enthusiasm of parenting.  Ryan talks about how he has to remind himself that the kids will not remain the same always as they are in this moment. Children change drastically faster than adults do. Rebekah talks about how babies change each week Why did we choose “Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad” as a title? We tell the story about how this came to be and the roots in Hawaii where we bought a used car while our 9 month old was having a melt-down. We were affirmed as parents by the folks who sold it to us, and it left a great impression. We talk about the struggle of being a tired parent, and glossing over real moments that our children are having. Small things to us, may be their entire world in that moment and it’s important as a parent to be patient and take the time to interact. Rebekah shares a story of bei