Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

003: Chore Charts, Robot Karate, and Toddlers at Bedtime



The Chore Chart: a new strategy we are considering since our 3 year old gets a huge sense of accomplishment when he does something by himself. Ryan shares about his memories of the family chore chart when he was growing up. ***Our 8 month old Ari is awake and with us, squeaking into the microphone.*** We share what Liam loves to clean up including his many different “train tracks”, Ryan puts Rebekah on the spot and has her sing the "In The Bag" clean up song that she uses to inspire Liam to clean. (See Disney's "In The Bag" here) How do we get things to be less clutter around the house? We get Liam to help us in the cleaning. Ryan talks about how he built a tower with Liam, who refused to let Ryan knock it down while filming in slow motion. Ryan decided to play “Robot” with Liam, and attempted to karate-chop the tower down, but Liam would take off after Ryan, shouting “No!!! No!!!!” then poke Ryan (like pressing a robot button) which stopped the Robot. Then we’d declare that “Liam Saved The Day!” Ryan talks a