Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

006: Public Bathrooms (“DON’T TOUCH THAT!”), and Work vs. Home Life



We are potty trained! Ryan tries to pull off a terrible dad joke. Boooo….. Unintended consequences of potty training: using public bathrooms. —using the toilet is great at home.. its our bathroom. its our toilet. Public Bathroom: Not so much. We went to IKEA today and Liam had to go 4 times. Ryan shares his harrowing experiences taking Liam into the bathroom which involves a lot of shouting “Don’t touch that…DONT TOUCH THAT!!!!” When a toddler tells you “I have to go potty” they have to go potty, RIGHT NOW. Ryan talks about dealing with disgusting toilet seats in the public bathroom. Which ended up with Ryan cleaning the toilet seat off with his bare hands….yep. It’s tempting to just have Liam put on a pull-up…but we don’t. That would be traumatic.  Liam hates the hand driers. Bekah talks about how they recycle “Poo-particles” into the air. Disgusting.  Work Vs. Homelife: We are still in the early phases of parenthood. Figuring out the balance of family vs. work can be a challenge. We need to figure out how t