Good Job Mom, Good Job Dad

007: Rebekah Launched a New Product: Your Generous Home



Rebekah just launched an online course focused on helping new moms with “everyday hospitality” **COURSE DETAILS AND DISCOUNT CODE BELOW** ….but first: We got started very late. 11:00pm…because we had a hard time getting both boys to sleep!  Ryan took Liam out to Trader Joe’s for groceries and the cashier gave him some candy (She asked first, which was awesome!) and the sugar rush added a couple hours to the bedtime routine. Bummer. Finally after Liam did fall asleep, Ryan came into the living room and Ari our 10-month-old decided he did not want to go to sleep. So we decided to go with it, watched some TV shows, and made some pop-corn.  But the big topic of this episode is the LAUNCH of Rebekah’s brand new online course, YOUR GENEROUS HOME. This project is several months in the making. Bekah has been putting this together for the past 6 months.  YOUR GENEROUS HOME can be found at Your Generous Home is a course that teaches "Everyday Hospitality" for busy moms with limited time, space