Vibe Tribe Wellness

Ep 74. Sacred Moon Rituals, Astrology & Creating a Cosmic Community to Enchant Your Life with Ana Alic



Ana Alic is an actress, writer and stylist with a unique moon ceremony business called Topanga Moon. Topanga Moon is an evolution of Ana’s spiritual and moon ceremony practice that has embraced a cosmic community through sacred rituals and workshops that enchant your mystical life. Topanga moon not only provides an online and in personal collective but a moon box product to help you host at home rituals and other hand made products for a high vibing life. In this episode, we discuss: the difference between the full & new moon what a moon ritual looks like what the cosmic readings for February are creating a cosmic community exploring the cosmic world astrology, human design, spiritual animals & more Resources:   Feb 19 - Full Moon In Virgo (Source @soulshinestrology) We've made it far enough into 2019 that we can start to see the patterns that have emerged... the habits tha