Nerds Without Pants

Episode 65: Chatting With Liana K



Welcome to an unintentionally bonus edition of Nerds Without Pants! Angelo hosts this episode, featuring special guest Liana Kerzer. Liana is a TV and internet personality who also writes about video games for Metaleater. The reason for Liana’s visit was to talk about mental health in relation to video games, but we had such a great time talking to her that the episode went beyond 3 hours. So we’ve decided to split the Consumption Junction and topic portions of the show into two. Please enjoy a lengthy Consumption Junction this week, and come back for our regular time next week as we discuss mental health and the healing power of video games. 4:05 A little bit about Liana; talking about her new book Wrestling With Gods: Tesseracts 18 11:45 Evolve; some of those issues with DLC 26:45 Game of Thrones beer (not really); Rogue Legacy; getting into Roguelikes 38:00 Patrick’s complicated relationship with Destiny; Fifty Shades of Grey is terrible 52:14 An update on Patrick’s Rocksmith journe