Brag Radio

Episode 109 - Five Steps to Get Your First Deal in the Next 30 Days



In today's show, Larry and Kandas talked about specific steps to go through to be able to get your first deal. They talked primarily about wholesaling and also shared some resources that you can use. Listen and learn more! Topics: Two quickest methods for Larry: - Wholesaling - Seller financing Using other people's money to get started 5 Steps: #1 To Analyze a deal - Take the ARV (After Repair Value) #2 Funding - Line up some money. - Doing assignments - Options - Assignment of beneficial interest using a trust - Create LLC - Private money - Using IRA #3 Marketing - Run some ads on Craigslist - Put up bandit signs - Do direct mail with post cards - Flyers #4 Making offers - Make your offer in your first phone call. - Sign up for email notifications with realtors. - Have the realtors make offers for you. - Use written offers - Have your VAs submit offers #5 Sell the property fast - Build your buyers list Quotes: "Get pass the fear factor and you got to be ready to move forward." "It's very important that yo