Brag Radio

Episode 117 - Ways to Generate Leads Today



The first thing you need to do when you get into real estate is you've got to generate some leads and be able to find some properties that you can buy at a deep discount. In today's show, Larry and Kandas talked about the things you need to know when generating leads. They also shared different ways and techniques on how to do marketing and prospecting. Stay tuned! Topics: Generating leads and finding properties Going deep vs going wide Ways to find deals: 1. Marketing 2. Prospecting Looking for motivated sellers What a bandit sign is Vehicle signs Direct mails Different list sources: - Probate - Absentee owners - Pre-foreclosures - Section 8 landlords - Out-of-state owners - Code enforcement - Landlords who are going through eviction with a tenant - Ads in Craigslist Finding off-market properties Having a website Letters vs postcards Having different phone numbers for each source Facebook marketing Setting up custom audience in Facebook Hiring bird dogs What prospecting is Quotes: "When you are a real est