
Candid #7: Photo Gear for Travel



With two hosts planning some travels this summer, discussing which kit works best for long trips was bound to take place. Álvaro, Josh, and Marius dig into the kit they’ve used in the past for their travels and what they hope to use going forward. More importantly, the hosts discuss a new competition for a free ThinkTank bag! This is Candid’s first giveaway and it promises to be a good one. Are you #TeamBackpack or #TeamMessenger? Whichever side you’re on, tweet out why you’re on your chosen team, use the hashtag #TeamBackpack or #TeamMessenger to denote which team you’re on, and tag @candid_fm at the end of your tweet. Next week, we’ll choose which tweet is our favourite and ThinkTank will ship the winner either the Retrospective 20 messenger bag or a backpack of equivalent value.