Write On Radio

1/22/2019 Andrew S. Curran & Blythe Baird



On Tuesday, January 22nd, Josh will be talking with Andrew S. Curran about his latest book Diderot And The Art Of Thinking Freely. A spirited biography of the prophetic and sympathetic philosopher, Denis Diderot, who helped build the foundations of the modern world. Curran's previous books include The Anatomy of Blackness: Science and Slavery in an Age of Enlightenment, and Sublime Disorder, Physical Monstrosity in Diderot's Universe. Anna talks with Blythe Baird about the upcoming release of her poetry collection If My Body Could Speak. A celebration of girlhood and all of its struggles and triumphs, If My Body Could Speak balances the softness of femininity with the sharpness that girls are forced to become. Baird is a viral and award-winning writer who has garnered international recognition for her poems that speak out on sexual assault, mental illness, eating disorder recovery, sexuality, and healing.