Write On Radio

1/29/2019 Norman Mitchell & Leif Enger



On Tuesday January 29th, Josh will be talking with Norman Mitchell about the release of his first novel The Hidden One, a political thriller surrounding The fate of those caught up in the “Iron Cage” after World War II. In addition to writing and his fascination with history, Mitchell also enjoys reading, biking, listening to music and following politics. He and his wife live in Golden Valley, MN.  Then, we rebroadcast an interview Steve conducted with Minnesota author Leif Enger about his recent novel Virgil Wander. Virgil Wander is set in a small Minnesotan town bordering Lake Superior. With intelligent humor and captivating whimsy, Enger conjures a remarkable portrait of a region and its residents, who, for reasons of choice or circumstance, never made it out of their defunct industrial district.  Write On! Radio airs from 7-8pm CT on KFAI, 90.3 FM in Mpls/St. Paul, and on the web at www.kfai.org